The 5 dividend stocks you need to be investing in right now

Understanding dividend stock selection to win

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Follow the money

Our VSLs lists of Mega Cap, Growth, Dividend, International Stocks and select ETFs are chosen because they aligned to the major secular trends unfolding in today's economies globally.

Companies not aligned and that are being disrupted by new technologies will go the way the way of the dinosaurs if they do not adapt and change.

Massive GOVT stimulus, incentives, regulation and penalties are what can change the timing of secular trends i.e. speed them up or slow them down — think 'follow the money' .

The pace of change brings challenges — and opportunities

Climate change

As climate change continues to be at the forefront of government and corporate priorities, we keep a keen eye on how this influences government policy and the activity of large investment funds.

Ageing demographics

With the retirement of the baby boomers, the workforce will continue to shrink, in turn driving up wages. We look to see how healthcare and AI can improve the quality of aged care coupled with productivity improvements.

Technological change

We look for how technology can bring productivity gains and better ways of working to increase quality of life. We believe fast adopters of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will prevail over those who are laggards.

Global debt

Massive corporate debt will make it hard for one-third of all companies to refinance during the next recession. We focus on companies with growing revenues and decreasing debt obligations.

Get our Top 5 Dividend Stocks

The stocks on our Very Short List (VSL) have dividends in excess of 3% and are expected to have similar or better total return potential compared to the S&P 500.

Download the Top 5

We are in a 4th industrial revolution

  • Technology, including, AI, IoT, genetic engineering among others, are changing the global economy quickly

  • The future is being driven by demographics, digitization, decarbonization, decentralization, energy, select resources and real estate transformation.

  • Many "old economy" companies will be buried in the next decade as their growth shrinks and financing remains less favourable

  • Winning stocks can be found in technology, but also in companies that use tech to adjust to the broader environment or otherwise play a role in the massive changes already happening in the global economy. That all applies to dividend stocks too

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Winning advice and results! You need this

As my other service expires this month (thankfully) I looked back at results of the two services, “not to be named” and Fundamental Trends Investing. The “not to be named” service that thankfully is expiring results were: -$25,000 in sold, booked losses.

Fundamental Trends results were: +$41,000 in sold, booked gains. The cost of a service is not price you pay for membership, it is in the results you get from using it. Fundamental Trends is a huge winner in enabling positive results. Keep in mind that the cost of service membership is trivial compared to results.

- Bob U

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