The Fundamental
Achieve market-beating returns with less risk while maximising your investment potential!
Isn't it frustrating watching others rake in returns while you're stuck in place? Picking the wrong stocks or jumping in too late can be daunting. We help investors beat the average return of 5% a year and deliver them growth that beats the market averages year after year.
Whether you're a new investor unsure of where to start or seasoned in need of a breakthrough, our service empowers you to retire earlier and more comfortably than ever before.
Master the art of confident and informed investment decisions to ensure maximum returns!
We employ a strategic methodology to capitalise on global secular trends
Beat the market with less risk than the market. Take control of your financial future while learning to be a better investor. Does saving time and stress sound good to you?
Our guided investing approach streamlines everything, allowing you to retire a decade earlier or more. Feel free to let our expertise do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on living your best life.
Imagine enjoying getting on with your life or living out your golden years instead of worrying about market swings.
If you had invested 100K 5 years ago with Fundamental Trends
SP500 10Yr AVE
Super 10Yr AVE
Returns are shown as an annualised return
Hailing from a middle-class neighbourhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Kirk Spano brings a wealth of expertise rooted in economics and political science. Dedicated to empowering DIY Investors, he distills investment ideas into comprehensible ideas and insights.
Kirk’s investment philosophy is simple — to be invested in the fourth Industrial Revolution, #4IR, encompassing technology subsectors, decarbonisation, fintech (including Blockchain), and top-tier consumer businesses. This is where ‘big money’ is headed — think of the trillions flowing through government, sovereign wealth funds, family offices, endowments, pensions, and other significant financial entities. Kirk’s methodology is to invest with, not against, big money.
Joining Fundamental Trends opens the gateway to great asset allocation and Kirk's handpicked ‘best of the best’ investment ideas. Here, you'll gain insights on constructing a risk-managed portfolio and selecting investments poised for life-changing gains.
Nic holds and MBA, is a keen investor and licensed investment advisor with 18 years’ experience in financial markets, products, coaching, and leadership.
Kirk is a Registered Investment Advisor in the U.S. He is the founder of Kirk shares his research and insights to for Australian investors.
Best service
Kirk Spano's market calls are amazing. He offers an entire continuum of perspective from a fine-grained analysis to a global and futuristic one. He is funny, insightful and hard working.
— Jo M.
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(a) Investment involves various risks, and you should ensure that you fully understand the risks, characteristics, and restrictions by reading the relevant disclosure documents including the Financial Services Guide and determine if any investment is suitable for your financial situation, investment objective, and risk tolerance. (b) Crypto investments are not currently regulated as financial products under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or under Australian law generally. This means consumer protections are minimal and you may not be protected if any cryptocurrency which you have invested in fails or any service provider involved in providing you with cryptocurrency fails.
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